(727) 537-9504
Product Design & Development, 3D Printing
FreeDimension LLC
EST 2012

Toi & Moi
Toi & Moi sculpture is made from your profile picture and the one of someone you love. The two profiles will be morphed into one in a 180 degree rotation. Very contemporary look combined with the unification of two people.
You will need to send in two profile pictures, taken from either left or right of your face preferably in front of a bright single color background, like a white wall. The sculpture is digitally produced. You can order it as a tangible object 3d printed or as a picture you can frame. You can buy the digital artwork as well. Please check out the pics. The one that looks like glass or metal are renderings only available as prints.
Click here to get yours ordered today or call 727 537 9504 to receive more information!
Fetch Ball Holder
This is an awesome leash or belt attachment that will hold a dogs fetch ball. It's a sturdy design that will last and holds the fetch ball securely, so even if the dog runs or shakes it will stay firmly attached. Great thing too, the dog doesn't realize it and wont be distracted carrying it.
With this dog ball holder you will never forget the ball, and once done playing, you don't have to carry it home. It attaches to a harness, leash or even your belt. We make them to order for you if you need a special color let us know and we may be able to do that too.
The new improved clip let's you lock it firmly to the leach.
For a special price we can even personalize it for you. With your dogs name or silhouette.
Comes with one free tennis ball.
This 3D coral polyp model shows a cross section of a single polyp, including its tentacles, gastrodermis, stomach cavity, and the complex skeletal structure underneath. It is a generic representation and not a replica of any particular species. Each half has interlocking pegs that allow a full polyp to be assembled.